Five Health Improvements That Result From Quitting Smoking

Posted June 3rd, 2013 in News by Steve

No matter how long you have smoked for, it is never too late to quit and to enjoy the consequential health benefits. If you care about your health, quitting smoking is one of the best things that you can do. For those who are thinking about kicking the habit, here are five health improvements that you will notice once you quit smoking to motivate you to take the big step.

1. Your risk of having a heart attack decreases

Cigarettes raise blood pressure and the rate at which the heart beats, making smokers prone to heart disease and strokes. As soon as you stop smoking, your blood pressure and heart rate drop to a healthier level.

2. Your taste buds begin to regenerate

Smoking damages the taste buds. Smoke also leaves tar and in your mouth and on your teeth. Only two days after quitting smoking, your buds will start to improve and you will notice an improvement in your sense of taste. Food will begin to taste better.

3. You will breathe easier

Cigarette smoke constricts the bronchial tubes and covers the little air sacs in your lungs with tar, making it harder to breathe and to get oxygen into your bloodstream. Once you stop smoking, your bronchial tubes will relax and your lungs will begin to heal, making it easier for you to breathe.

4. Your teeth will look better

Cigarette smoke makes your teeth yellow. When you stop smoking, you can do things to make your teeth whiter. You can use a whitening toothpaste that will gradually whiten them, or you could get them professionally whitened which is usually done in a few hours.

5. You will feel better about yourself

Most smokers know that their habit is bad for their health, yet most people find it very hard to quit smoking. Successfully quitting smoking is a great achievement and often encourages the person to start changing other aspects of their life that are unhealthy, such as their diet or the amount of exercise they do.

An important part of quitting is dealing with nicotine cravings and the habit of putting something to your mouth. One of the best quit smoking tools available on the market is the electronic cigarette as it can act as a nicotine replacement therapy and also allow you to continue the physical act of smoking which you may have developed over a number of years.

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The History of the Electronic Cigarette

Posted May 31st, 2013 in News by Steve

Electronic cigarettes were first patented in 1963 by Herbert A. Gilbert, an American amateur inventor. He described his invention as a “smokeless non-tobacco cigarette”. It worked by generating a flavoured nicotine vapour which the user inhaled instead of tobacco smoke. The device, however, was never marketed to the public as no company could be found willing to manufacture the smokeless cigarette. It must be remembered that this was the heyday of smoking in the United States and many other industrialised countries, and few people knew about the negative health consequences of smoking.

The e-cigarette that we use today is the brainchild of a Chinese pharmacist named Hon Lik. He started developing the product in 2003 when his father, a heavy smoker, was diagnosed with lung cancer and died soon thereafter. Lik was also a heavy smoker and wanted to create a healthy alternative to smoking. He founded a company named Golden Dragon Holdings which conducted research and development, and after a number of promising product tests, the company decided to market the electronic cigarette to the public. The company’s name was also changed to Ruyan which translates as “like smoke” in Chinese.

Since then, the e-cigarette has become immensely popular and has been bought by millions of people around the world to help them and their loved ones quit smoking. Scientific research has demonstrated that the electronic cigarette is the most effective smoking cessation aid available on the market.

Vaping as a Lifestyle

Posted May 29th, 2013 in News by Steve

The popularity of electronic cigarettes has led to the birth of a new community of people who use them. These people are known as vapers. The name is derived from the verb ‘vaping’, since e-cigarette users are inhaling vapour rather than smoke. Not only have electronic cigarettes helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world quit smoking, they have created a new hobby and lifestyle for these people as well.

People usually start using the e-cigarette because they want to quit smoking. Often, however, they find the device so interesting that they want to learn more about it and to establish contact with other users of electronic cigarettes. This has led to the formation of a number of online communities as well as real life communities of vapers. A vaping festival is held in Victoria annually.

Part of the appeal of e-cigarettes is the multitude of available models. There are thousands of models on the market, coming in all different sizes, shapes and colours. Furthermore, there are a multitude of different flavours of e-liquid, ranging from almond to whiskey. There is even a ninja turtle soup flavour!

Vaping is not expensive hobby, and it is far cheaper and healthier than smoking cigarettes. An e-cigarette kit costs around $100 and the e-liquid costs around $10 a week, which translates to about $520 a year in running costs. An average smoker, on the other hand, smokes around three packets of cigarettes a week, which costs between $2340 (at $15 per packet) and $3210 (at $20 per packet).

How to Quit Smoking for Good

Posted May 27th, 2013 in News by Steve

Long-time smokers often find it hard to quit smoking tobacco cigarettes. Most attribute it to the physically addictive nature of the nicotine found in cigarettes. Whilst this is true, there are psychological aspects to smoking that make it difficult to quit. As difficult as it may be, giving up the habit of smoking cigarettes is one of the best things you can do for your health. If you want to quit smoking for good, here are a few tips to help you get stared.

1. Have a plan

Some people prefer to quit by simply stopping, a method commonly known as the ‘cold turkey’ method. Others gradually reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke over a period until they completely stop smoking. Other people quit with one of the many quit smoking products available on the market. It is up to you which method you choose. Remembering your goal will help you to stay motivated.

2. Deal with your triggers

Smoking is often triggered by certain things and situations. If you smoke with your coffee or an alcoholic drink, it might be a good idea to give these things up while you are quitting. If certain people and situations cause you to smoke, avoid them insofar as this is possible. It is important to identify your smoking triggers so that they can be avoided or managed.

3. Consider an alternative nicotine delivery system

Nicotine is the addictive substance found in cigarettes. Fortunately, nicotine can be delivered to the body through other means, which makes it much easier to quit smoking. There are several methods available, including nicotine gums and patches. Electronic cigarettes are a very popular method of getting your nicotine fix, partly because they simulate the feeling of smoking a real cigarette.

4. Give your body time to heal

Some people complain that they feel sick when they stop smoking. This is actually one of the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. What is really happening is that your body is craving nicotine. This feeling usually lasts about nine hours.

How to Add Years to Your Life

Posted May 24th, 2013 in News by Steve

Eat more raw vegetables

Why raw vegetables? Vegetables lose as much as thirty per cent of their nutrients and antioxidants during the cooking process. Uncooked vegetables like capsicums, carrots and lettuce are rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins which keep you healthy and young. Oil-based dressings are tasty and beneficial partners to vegetables, as long as they use healthy oils, such as olive oil. They also aid in the absorption of nutrients. Eating a cup of raw vegetables every day can add up to ten years to your life.

Quit smoking

Every cigarette that you smoke subtracts between four and five minutes from your life expectancy. Long-term smokers live about ten years less than their non-smoking counterparts. Nicotine by itself as not dangerous. It is a stimulant like caffeine. What is dangerous is tobacco tar and the other chemicals in tobacco cigarettes which greatly increase the likelihood of developing a number of cancers and cardiovascular illnesses. Smokers are encouraged to quit with the aid of nicotine replacement therapies such as nicotine patches and electronic cigarettes. Quitting smoking can add as much as ten years to your lifespan.

Stay positive

A major killer is depression. It lowers the immune system and makes a person more susceptible to a number of illnesses. Studies have demonstrated that having a positive attitude can add as much as seven and a half years to a person’s lifespan.