The Electronic Cigarette Has Saved Hundreds of Thousands of Lives

Posted April 16th, 2013 in News by Steve

The electronic cigarette, a device that mimics real cigarettes, has been responsible for saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world. It is just a matter of time before the figure reaches into the millions. It is little wonder ex-smokers the world over are hailing the electronic cigarette as the miracle cure they have been waiting for.

Electronic cigarettes do not contain any of the harmful and cancer causing substances found in real cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes are clean and produce no ash or smelly smoke.

Electronic cigarettes are only a fraction of the price of real cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes will add many, many years to your life.

Electronic cigarettes will improve your physical appearance and give you more energy.

Worldwide scientific studies have found that electronic cigarettes are by far a much healthier alternative to real cigarettes. Leading scientists and doctors are all saying that electronic cigarettes are the most effective means of giving up cigarettes without the associated difficulties of all the other quit smoking aids out there.

As one ex-smoker put it: “If it wasn’t for electronic cigarettes, I’d be dead by now.”

New Study Links First Trimester Smoking with High Risk of Asthma

Posted November 30th, 2012 in News by yosir

A new European study has shown that smoking during pregnancy increases the risk that the child will develop asthma and wheezing early on in their childhood, even if the child isn’t exposed to second-hand smoke following birth. Not only that, but the risk increases substantially for children whose mothers only smoked during the first trimester, which “indicates that the hazardous effects of maternal smoking on the foetal respiratory system might present before the woman knows that she is pregnant,” said Anna Bergstrom of the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm Sweden. The researchers hope that their findings will encourage public health efforts to get mothers to quit smoking before they fall pregnant. “Policy makers should be aware of the important role of motivating tobacco smoking teenage girls and young women to stop before getting pregnant to prevent asthma in their children.” To aid with quitting, women who are planning to get pregnant should begin with e-cigarettes or other forms of quitting as early as possible.


Rolling Stone Rocker Attempts to Quit Smoking

Posted November 22nd, 2012 in News by yosir

The Rolling Stones guitarist, Ronnie Wood, is making a failing attempt to quit smoking. The rocker has battled with alcohol and drug addictions in the past, and is now trying to quit his nicotine habit as a promise to his girlfriend, Sally Humphreys — but he’s finding it hard. A source said: “Ronnie has really tried to knock smoking on the head but it’s one sacrifice too far. He told Sally he was going to give it his best shot but it just wasn’t to be. He’s done amazingly well removing alcohol and drugs from his life and cigarettes are the only vice he has left.” Last November, Ronnie, aged 65, said he was trying to give up the habit but admitted that it’s a very tough thing to do. “Cigarettes are the hardest ones to crack but I mean to do that this month,” he said. Since then he’s been seen many times smoking electronic cigarettes in an attempt to quit, but he’s also been spotted with the real thing as well.


Maori and Pacific Teams Compete to Stop Smoking

Posted November 14th, 2012 in News by yosir

Fifteen teams that took on the recent challenge to become smoke-free by the end of August were part of a “close race”, says Dr Marewa Glover, Director of the Centre for Tobacco Control Research at the University of Auckland. “The results have exceeded even my wildest expectations. Nearly every member of the top three teams stopped smoking during the competition.” The motivation can from the Whanau End Smoking Regional Whanau Ora challenge (WERO), which is a new program being trialled as part of Tobacco Control Research Turanga’s initiative to find faster ways to stop smoking. WERO is based on Maori and Pacific cultural values, which is reflected in the team effort to quit, rather than individual. “Maori and Pacific people have significantly higher rates of smoking than the rest of the population,” says Dr Glover. E-cigarettes and programs such as Quitline also work well with Maori and Pacific people, but the competition will help them reach their goal of halving smoking rates by 2030.


E-Cigarettes Found to Be Healthier and Safer for Quitting Smoking

Posted November 7th, 2012 in News by yosir

Electronic cigarettes may be just the solution for quitting smoking, as suggested by an Athens-based Onassis Cardiac Surgery Centre. The report, based on the study by Greek researchers, concluded that people who always seem to fall off their efforts to quit smoking cigarettes should try electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) because they offer a healthier, safer and more effective quitting alternative. The research states that, while users get the same experience as smoking a real cigarette, their craving for tobacco will gradually fade without them realising it. In the meantime, smoking the e-cigarettes doesn’t put them at risk of the heart diseases that come with smoking real cigarettes. The study also mentioned that just one regular tobacco cigarette contains the same level of nitrosamines that a user would get after using an e-cigarette throughout a four- to 12-month period. E-cigarettes are battery-powered devices that give users the sensation of smoking, and those who would like to try one are eligible for a free e-cigarette starter kit at
